YOUR PR-Marketplace.

Find relevant press material and contacts - quickly, easily and efficiently. Optimize your daily editorial work and always stay best informed.

The research tool for journalists, influencers and media players.

Our PR marketplace - everything at a click

Our PR marketplace is an efficient research tool for journalists and influencers looking for the latest brands, products and trends. We enable companies to distribute their press material to relevant media users in a simple, targeted and measurable way. Thus, we bring both groups together on a modern platform, generate publications faster and create added value for both parties.



The benefits for brands and media


Our press platforms offer over 25,000 photos and press releases for download. We are one of the most important databases for daily research by journalists and influencers.


Our users are over 3,600 media representatives from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This means we cover almost 95 % of all media in this region.


We take care of creating the content, linking and tagging the images for you. This saves you resources and you benefit from our many years of experience.


We track every piece of information posted and all interactions with the content. This means we know exactly which media are interested in your press material.


You choose the services that suit your budget and brand. A wide range of measures is available depending on the objective.


Only accredited users have access to your information and all data is stored on German servers.


You can find the development and insights into our PR-marketplace here:

Experience the versatile possibilities of our platform! Our user-friendly interface and comprehensive functions offer you exactly the tools you need to work efficiently and achieve your goals. Use personalized settings to optimize your processes. With regular updates, you'll always be up to date. Discover how our platform can take your communication to the next level.

Insights into the PR-marketplace:


Ready-Made-Content: ready to go!

Discover the benefits of our ready-made content (focus topics), which has been specially written to save you time and effort. With our ready-made content including product suggestions, you can get started right away.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Fast deployment: No long preparation required - the content is ready to use immediately.
  • Professional quality: High-quality content created by experts to meet your requirements.
  • Cost-efficient: Save resources by using ready-made content instead of creating it from scratch.

With ready-made content, you can implement your projects faster and guarantee the highest quality. Benefit from the simplicity and efficiency of ready-made content!

Simply click on the respective tile to get to the focus topic overview.



With our factsheet, we provide a deep insight into our media data and the behavior of our users. In addition to key figures on usage, it also includes figures on our newsletters, focus topics and events.

Every six months, we analyze the performance of the content posted for each brand in terms of clicks, downloads, newsletter opening rates and the editorial teams that have accessed the material.

Our statistics offer you:

  • The latest data:  Regularly updated figures that show you the latest developments.
  • Clear visualizations: Clearly laid out diagrams and graphics that make the data simple and easy to understand.
  • Detailed analyses: Evaluations that reveal backgrounds and correlations and provide the brand with the necessary information.


Success at all levels

Bei uns sind Sie in bester Gesellschaft. Profitieren Sie von unserem Know-how und der langjährigen Erfahrung!

Together. Successful. In partnership.



Then benefit from the numerous advantages of our press portals and register for your desired portals free of charge today. As networking experts, we support print and social media in their journalistic research by providing a daily updated market overview from a wide range of relevant sources. With over 500 brands from German-speaking countries, we offer our accredited users the most comprehensive collection of press material, product news and insider information as well as contacts to press offices.

Register now simply and free of charge on our PR marketplace



You certainly have questions. We will be happy to answer them!

Would you like to take your PR to a new level? Or are you interested in personal contacts with journalists and influencers? We will be happy to advise you and provide you with the necessary information. Let us convince you!

Choose a topic

Your details from the contact form are processed to answer your inquiry. Detailed information on the handling of user data can be found in our privacy policy.


+49 (0)7161 96 55 4 0



Business hours:

Mo - Thur 9 am - 4 pm
Friday 9 am - 2 pm